

05 October 2005

Time and space....to think

I suppose I'm quite lucky in that I have enforced periods of time alone. No, I'm not at Her Majesty's pleasure! I work all over the country, and often have a 2, 3 or 4 hour drive.

It's amazing what ideas you can come up with if you just spend a little time thinking through something. I get quite excited when I have a gem of an idea, and then I develop it in my mind, allowing it to expand into something which could be quite special.

I think this has benefitted our business to a massive extent. How many good business ideas have you had, or who do you know who has had a great idea, only to see it developed by someone else later on...and then they're kicking themselves, aren't they?

The difference between successful people and those that aren't, is that successful people actually get on with it and do something. And to be able to do that, you need time to think about your idea and take it to the next stage. Here's me talking about 'successful people' and we haven't even launched yet!! But I'm so convinced we've got it right, I'm sure we'll get in that elite group one day.

You've heard them all saying it, Richard Branson, Stelios etc, you have to take some risks and get out of your comfort zone. But I think that as long as it's a measured risk, and you know what you are really getting into, then you're not being foolish. After all, I have a mortgage and a baby, and I'm not going to risk our stability for wild idea.

But we have taken it really steady, researched, developed and asked a lot of questions about ourselves and to others, so we are sure we are heading in the right direction. Now that just makes good business sense.

Yesterday I was travelling for 3 hours each way to Bristol and back. And on the way home I had yet another new idea, and the tingling sensation happened again. I was trying to make notes for myself so I wouldn't forget what I was thinking (you know what I'm like about lists and lists), so I was scribbling on my hand because I was driving!

You've got to be careful that you don't lose focus, but when you get a really good idea, that's timed right for your business, then you have to go with it. So this morning I've been researching (again!) to make sure I’m going down the right path. And By Jove! I think I’ve got it!! Another cog in the big wheel.

But I’m not telling you what it is until I know if it’s worked or not…..so watch this space!


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